Evolutionary in African Airline Industry
There are a lot of countries in the world in which roads and the system of rails are not developed due to financial issues and rainy seasons. The African countries are among them. That’s why a lot of evolutions are made in the airline industry of the Africans. These airline industries of the Africans are owned partially or completely by their national governments. That’s why these airline industries last a lot of impacts on their economy and citizens. There are also some African countries whose major shareholders are European countries. If you don’t have enough idea about the evolutionary in African airline industry, then you can get help from academic writing services.
In the evolutionary in African airline industry, there come a lot of things. First of all, there comes the history of these airline industries. Historically, the British authorize were established their own locally based colonies in Africa. After establishing these colonies, they started their own national airlines in their respective colonies. After getting freedom from the British rule, these African countries established their own national airlines. Moreover, these countries had also printed their own flags on these airlines in order to showcase their independence before the world. In these airlines, there were some airlines that were fully sponsored by these African countries. On the other hand, there were also some joint airlines that were supported by the European countries.
After the history of these African airline industries, there comes government ownership of these airline industries. As we have discussed earlier that first of all, there was the influence of European colonies on these airline industries. When these European countries had left their colonies systems in Africa, then the ownership of these African airline industries come into the hands of African government. According to Guttery, these African airline industries are not developed in an effective way. That’s why these airline industries served a lot of losses and liquidating. On the other hand, the profits that are gained by these airline e industries are submitted to the general operating funds of these countries. There are also some African countries that provide insufficient capital to their airline industries. The main cause of loss in the African airline industry is due to the lack of government infrastructure.
Now, we take an overview of the fleet of the African airline industry. The aircraft of the African airline industry is older than the other countries in the world. Due to the older aircraft of these African airline industries, their aircraft have lower prices. On the other hand, the consumption rates of their fuels are very high. Moreover, their maintenance costs are also higher than the newer aircraft. The credit rates of these aircraft are also lower. Due to older aircraft, their level of leasing contacts is also very lower. As far as there comes the concern for the safety of these aircraft, we come to know that these aircraft are less safe than the aircraft of the other countries. That’s why the world’s 25% aircraft crashes occur in these African countries. Moreover, in the airline traffic of the world, the contribution of African aircraft is only 5%.